Category: General

Causes of Congenital Clubfoot

Causes of Congenital Clubfoot

It is a developmentally occurring foot deformity and the foot deviates from its normal position. This condition usually occurs during the development of the baby in the womb before birth. The causes of congenital clubfoot can be explained by family history and various external factors. If one of the parents or the family has experienced this situation before, the baby may also

What is Hallux Valgus?

What is Hallux Valgus?

In medical terminology, it is a foot deformity. It refers to a condition in which the big toe moves crooked or inward and collides with the other toes on the foot. Hallux valgus can cause pain, difficulty wearing shoes, and aesthetic problems in the foot. What are the symptoms of Hallux Valgus? The basic phalanx (thumb bones) of the big toe and the metatarsal

What is Flat Feet?

What is Flat Feet?

It is a condition in which the normal curves of the sole of the foot are inadequate. Flat feet cause the sole of the foot to come into contact with a larger surface than normal at the points where it touches the ground. It is usually congenital, but may also occur due to acquired causes throughout life. It can be of two basic types. While standing arches are normal, sitting or

Clubfoot Syndrome

Clubfoot Syndrome

It is also known by its medical name as “congenital talipes equinovarus”. It is a foot deformity that babies have at birth or shortly after birth. Clubfoot syndrome occurs when babies' feet abnormally bend, turn inward, and curve downwards. What are the Symptoms of Clubfoot Syndrome? Among the symptoms

Pit Bottom Disease

Pit Bottom Disease

In the medical literature, this disease is called “plantar fasciitis” or “plantar fasciitis”. Cupped foot disease is inflammation of the plantar fascia that supports the arch of the foot. What are the symptoms of Pit Bottom Disease? Pain and discomfort may occur as a result of deformation of the bones and tissues at the base. This pain usually occurs while walking or standing for long periods of time.


What is Hammer Finger Disease?

Also referred to medically as “mallet finger,” it is a type of hand or finger injury. Hammer finger disease occurs when the tendon in the end joint ruptures when the hand or finger is extended. The tendon provides the connection between the bone and the muscle and helps to extend the finger straight. What Causes Hammer Finger Disease?

How to Treat Hallux Valgus?

How to Treat Hallux Valgus?

It is a condition known as big toe protrusion or big toe curvature. This condition is characterized by the big toe bending inward and being directed towards the other toes of the foot. How to treat hallux valgus and diagnostic methods are frequently asked by patients. After the treatment, the person's daily activities will change in a positive way.

After Knee Replacement Surgery

After Knee Replacement Surgery

After surgery, a significant recovery process begins for patients. After knee replacement surgery, you stay in the hospital for a few days and are closely monitored by doctors. There are many factors that patients should pay attention to in the postoperative period. Pain complaints can be alleviated by medications prescribed by doctors. Swelling in the knee in the first days after surgery

Ankle Prosthesis Surgery

Ankle Prosthesis Surgery

It is a treatment device used to help people who have bone problems or injuries. Ankle replacement surgery is performed to mimic natural extensions and restore mobility. Most often, it consists of a frame and an artificial part made of metal or carbon fiber, which is an exoskeleton structure.

What is Hammer Finger Surgery?

What is Hammertoe Surgery?

It is a condition in which one or more fingers are bent in an inappropriate position. It occurs in the middle joint of the fingers, causing that joint to bend downward instead of lying straight. In such similar cases, hammer toe surgery may be required. Wearing tight and uncomfortable high-heeled shoes
